Sunday, January 30, 2011

#30-Jan. 30th


jan30-3This week we had to do a panorama image from 10 photographs.  I thought the assignment was really easy for me since this is something I have done before, but practice never hurt anyone!  This is a view of the deer at the back of base, right across the road from where Dan works.  Yes, Robyn, we definitely live in a rural area now!  I am just bummed we can’t get the deer to come to our salt block behind the house.  Any suggestions????

I was quite bummed though that I could not do this assignment where I wanted but they haven’t plowed all the roads on the base. The second image is one that has a sepia tint and texture overlay on it to make it look aged.


  1. I like the texture overlay on that sepia tone. It really makes the picture. Lovely image. Do the dogs go in your backyard? That might be what is keeping them away. Patience, I think is the best. Deer are funny; they go where they want to.

  2. Patience is not one of my virtues, ask Dan. :) I would not be surprised if the dogs are hindering the deer from staying around. I am hoping they find the salt lick this summer when they move around more and then will know where to return in the winter months.
