Saturday, December 11, 2010

Snow, snow, and more snow….

It seems that Winter is here to stay.  Tomorrow we have a high of a whopping NEGATIVE five degrees!  Yikes!  Needless to say I will be taking a lot more cold and snow photos.  Here are some from my assignment in class last week.


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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Somber Isolation in Minot

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I had to shoot images that all had one theme and mood throughout.  Since I am extremely bummed at what might be the last time I will be able to shoot a lot outside for the next few months or so I figured this was fitting.  It is so sad to think that so many of these resting places will be buried themselves and unable to be viewed until spring. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Back to school, back to school…

I am done with my last two classes, yeah no more English classes.  This term I am in two classes I am very excited about.  My Electronic Design class sounds like a ton of work, but also a ton of fun.  I even have an assignment due tomorrow to create a dozen different sketches!  (Any of my fellow scrapbookers will know how much this is right up my alley!)

My photography class this term is my Printing class.  The teacher seems to have a great philosophy and is quite inspiring.  I am excited that all of my assignments are literally to just shoot what I want!  I am looking forward to the challenge of trying to get some of the shots I have been wanting to try. 

I took Kati out Sunday afternoon so the two of us can shoot.  We had a blast.  She said we should do it every week. Sounds good to me.




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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Two more classes done…

I am officially now into my Sophomore year in my degree.  Also I finished my last English class.  I can’t wait until I have all of the basic courses totally done.  I also just finished my Color Management class.  I learned a ton and really enjoyed it.  Now if only I could get more time to get out to shoot.

Here are a few from this class final though:



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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Trains in downtown Minot

Cole and I spent this afternoon watching the trains in downtown Minot.  He loved them until the one right under us started its engine and blew on its horn.  He told me it was “Too Loud.”

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Minot High Homecoming Parade

Blake and Trent both marched in the Homecoming parade tonight.  It was Blake’s first time in the marching band.  He was pretty excited to get to participate and Dan was thrilled that they played the Air Force song. 



Trent did a great job, and he just impresses me everyday how much better he is getting with his tuba, or in this case, the sousaphone.  I am always shocked at how he can carry that heavy thing around!!! {I mean seriously it wraps all around him and just looks like a neck pain!}



Cole and Kati were just thrilled with all the candy that got handed out. {He only looks cute and innocent.}


Friday, August 27, 2010

Beautiful Sunflowers

In between the base and the town of Minot, there is some pretty sunflower fields.  I really want to spend some time shooting them, but only had a few minutes after Trent’s soccer game last night.  I need to get back there with a step ladder to take some more images.  These were all shot with my new 17-40mm.  I just love how close you can get when you shoot with a wide angle!IMG_0233



Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Class Photos

I had a request from a friend to post some of the images from the current photography class that I am taking.  I am taking still life, abstract, macro, and color shots for the assignments.  Here is a few of the images I have done in the past two weeks:

Red-Tractor Macro-Nail Macro-Rivets Still Life-Gear Trash Still Life-Rusty Gear Abstract-Colors of Rust 

Abstract-Rivet Line Still Life-Barrel and Gear

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Keeping Up…

I am sorry I have been so far behind already this year.  With the classes I am in this term, Dan being gone, working on the house, and just daily life~I have fallen behind.  I have pictures taken and next week when this term ends, before I get too bogged down with the next classes I will work to get some pictures posted.

For now, just some quick updates~

Dan is now in California, the second half of his classes he has to take.  We are a third of the way done with his being gone.  I was spoiled and got to see him last week in Vegas for two days and that was a ton of fun, plus a much needed break for both of us.  We are counting the days because we expect to get our orders in the next month to find out where we are heading to this summer.  Just hoping it is something we want…

I am getting busier and busier with school and doing photo shoots on the side.

The kids are all doing well, and growing like crazy.  Trent turns 15 next week!  SO hard to believe.  Hope everyone is doing well, and I will post again soon….

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jan. 7th


In our house, hair cuts are a very regular occurrence.  Needless to say we all know Dustin, the boy’s barber, pretty well.  He is so good at getting Blake’s Mohawk perfect every time.  He has had lots of practice since it has been Blake’s hairstyle of choice since the first grade.

Jan. 5th

Happy Birthday Mom!!!! 

Today was my mom’s birthday and we got to scrapbook together again.  It was a major feat since we are having a winter storm warning and getting snow, snow, snow. 


Jan. 4th


I am getting to enjoy a scrapbook few days at my mom’s house with friends.  Cole has been with me while the other kids are in school.  It is so fun to watch how he entertains himself when there isn’t other kids around to play with him.

2010 is here!

Happy New Years to all!

I am don’t think I plan to try to take a picture every day this year.  I am very proud of the fact that I did accomplish an entire years worth of photos.  This year my goal is to post a new photo at least twice a week, and if I do more than that, than good for me.  :) 

I think considering I will be in school full time, Dan will be gone for three months of the year, and then we will be selling our house and moving that this is a more reasonable goal.

I will start the year with this fun picture of Cole in his plastic glasses “fixed” by Uncle Ronnie.  They were broke, and he melted the plastic on one ear piece to fix them.


Friday, January 1, 2010

#365-Dec. 31st


Good-bye 2009~Welcome 2010!  HAPPY NEW YEAR!