Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Somber Isolation in Minot

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I had to shoot images that all had one theme and mood throughout.  Since I am extremely bummed at what might be the last time I will be able to shoot a lot outside for the next few months or so I figured this was fitting.  It is so sad to think that so many of these resting places will be buried themselves and unable to be viewed until spring. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Back to school, back to school…

I am done with my last two classes, yeah no more English classes.  This term I am in two classes I am very excited about.  My Electronic Design class sounds like a ton of work, but also a ton of fun.  I even have an assignment due tomorrow to create a dozen different sketches!  (Any of my fellow scrapbookers will know how much this is right up my alley!)

My photography class this term is my Printing class.  The teacher seems to have a great philosophy and is quite inspiring.  I am excited that all of my assignments are literally to just shoot what I want!  I am looking forward to the challenge of trying to get some of the shots I have been wanting to try. 

I took Kati out Sunday afternoon so the two of us can shoot.  We had a blast.  She said we should do it every week. Sounds good to me.




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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Two more classes done…

I am officially now into my Sophomore year in my degree.  Also I finished my last English class.  I can’t wait until I have all of the basic courses totally done.  I also just finished my Color Management class.  I learned a ton and really enjoyed it.  Now if only I could get more time to get out to shoot.

Here are a few from this class final though:



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