Saturday, January 14, 2012

Update and Life….

So my family got to start the year with a trip to Minneapolis, MN.  This wasn’t planned but my beagle Addy got sick right before Christmas.  The local vet said they didn’t have the equipment necessary to check her heart and liver like was needed, so we were sent to the University of Minnesota’s Veterinary College to try to get some answers. After numerous blood and lab tests, an echocardiogram and a liver biopsy we have ruled out a ton of problems but are still waiting for a formal diagnosis.  It is looking like she has hypertension and a disease called Cushing’s Disease that is causing her liver problems.  Needless to say we have a follow up next week at the local vet for more labs and tests to try to get a final answer.

While there we had about five hours to kill while Addy was having procedures done so we spent the time at the Mall of America.  It wasn’t nearly as big or impressive as I expected, but we still had a very good time.  The kids’ favorite was the Lego store.  This creation was over two stories tall and took over 150 people over three months to create.  It uses over 3.1 million Legos!


Now we are back it has been a lot of catch up with school work and trying to make plans for what will be coming up the next six months.  I have a two week trip in February and then Dan has a week long one in March.  Then he once again will be gone on a six-week TDY for most of April and May.  This will bring us right into the time to move.  I am sure this year is going to fly by with all we have on our plates.Jan

I just hope that things go smoothly as I have been stressed beyond belief over all the changes and things that we have going on.  I am counting down until this summer just to have some down time from school and hopefully some fun family time before Dan leaves for a year.  Jan-1834

Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Year….

Once again a new year is upon us.  This year I won’t be attempting to do a 365 again as I will be moving again this summer.  Instead I am going to try to attempt a more creative photography goal for the year.  When doing a 365 it really gets you thinking about quick photos you can take.  You realize a lot of little things that you don’t take the time to shoot.  This year I want to delve deeper into that.  I am going to try a monthly project.  It will either be from a list of things I have wanted to shoot, a new technique, new equipment, or just a creative idea I want to build upon.  I am hoping to use this blog as a way to organize my creative photo thoughts and processes. This is my goal for the year and I am hoping that with all the craziness in my schedule I will be able to achieve it… Smile