Saturday, January 15, 2011

#15-Jan. 15th

Snow, snow, and more snow….Seriously enough already.  My instructor has given me approval to work ahead on the assignments that need to be shot outside so I can try to do them when the weather is clear. So far~no such luck.  Every time I look and realize the wind isn’t blowing the snow or new isn’t stuff isn’t falling I have something tying me up where I can’t get out.  I swear I am going to be carrying my camera gear everywhere with me!  On the upside we got Dan a block heater and automatic car starter for his truck.  He was quite thrilled.  {My van is in the garage so I don’t need it.  :) }


1 comment:

  1. I hear you about fighting weather when shooting. Glad yourr instructor is understanding. This shot sure shows what you are dealing with.
