Tuesday, February 8, 2011

#39-Feb. 8th

feb8-20110208-IMG_0317-110208 I have been keeping quite busy with my school work.  My finals week starts Wednesday and I have a lot of projects to try to get done a little early if possible.  I need to work ahead to avoid having as much work to do while I am in Vegas with Dan.  :)  This is a droopy flower I got from the flower shop on base.  Their flowers are horrible and usually die within a day or less!  That is actually why I got them this time because it is for a floral photo assignment with flowers as they die.  See there is good in having a cruddy floral shop! 


  1. You may be dealing with droopy flowers, but I REALLY like this. I think the droop adds something.. Very nice lighting too.

  2. The warmer weather is coming your way. It was quite warm and windy here today(Sat).
    Like your droopy flower.


  3. Thanks Robyn and Leslee. I can't wait for warmer weather!!!
